List of talks I (co-)delivered and I found useful. Where it is possible, slides are included. Please note that almost all of them are based on work of others.
[PL] "Co w sieci piszczy..." ("What's up on the wire") - 2012, SECURE, Warsaw, Poland
[PL] "Zarządzanie botnetem dla średnio-zaawansowanych" ("Botnet herding for botmaster wannabies") - 2014, Students Scientific Society for Information Security meeting, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland"
[PL] "Trendy cyberprzestępczości w Polsce" ("Cybercrime trends in Poland"), 2014, XVII TAPT, Szczytno, Poland
[PL] "Aktualny obraz sytuacji" ("The current situation - cyber threats in online banking"), 2014, ATS, Warsaw, Poland
[EN] "Using Tor" - 2015, InSafe Training meeting, Warsaw, Poland
[EN] "root.txt - I would like to capture the flags, but ${random_excuse}" - 2019, What the H@ck, Warsaw, Poland